Friday, 22 November 2013

Official composer of Elite Dangerous

After a long pitching process, I am now the official composer of Elite: Dangerous, a highly anticipated PC game, based on the classic Elite. Here the official announcement and the first trailer I scored for the game: I am hugely excited by this opportunity which will involve composing an epic orchestral soundtrack, realized by a live orchestra.

Husse Commercials

Here two commercial I co-produced and wrote music for this last winter:

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Costa Rica trailer

Here the trailer for a little documentary about a community in Costa Rica, This was originally submitted for the 'my bucket list' competition:


For all inquiries please contact

Music Showreel 2013

Monkey Slam released

Finally Monkey Slam is released, I wrote the main theme back in July...

About me

Erasmus Talbot is a freelance composer and sound-designer with over 7 years of experience working for clients such as Disney Interactive, Microsoft, Avalanche Studios and Relentless. His output ranges from orchestral soundtracks for video games, to electronic music for commercials. You can find examples of his work here, or request more by getting into contact.